Google Search to highlight “In-Depth” articles on the results page

Google has recently announced a new and very attractive feature for Google Search that highlights In-depth articles available on its search results page. We can say - this is a new gift from the Google for us. The in-depth article is a long-form stories which will be very helpful for the users and they will be able to learn very deeply about the searched topics.

For instance you have searched for “censorship” then with the feature of in-depth articles the censorship word will be highlighted in your search result page. Its brief look is shown in below screenshot.

Some people were expecting that searched result with In-depth feature would be appeared as a sidebar. But reality is that In-depth is available for main search results column as you have seen in above shown screenshot. And some of them were discussing – what parameter Google will apply for judge and show any article on the top? So, Few points are explained below for you and by which you may get some exact information about in-depth article.

Why are In-Depth articles important? 

You have noticed many times during the search on Google - when you search any Topics, then you get that first pages are flooded with the results from sites like:
Yahoo! Answers, Wikipedia, Breaking news and many others sites instead of the topic about you looking for.

Sometime people get irritated from this situation, because they hardly get any accurate and perfect search results at the top.

Most of the nice researched and detail articles usually receive traction on social media more than the Google search results except when they are very clearly defined like tutorials and guides. You may observe this by spending little time on Google search results.

The In-Depth article is very useful to provide users the genuine knowledge/information of a topic rather than a very quick answer. This is the variety of knowledge that is likely to be knowledge months, and perhaps even years after the publication.

Google will pick up links/parameters like the reputation of the Blog and website and also the thanks of author to “Google Authorship” meta data that can be included to the articles. Basically, the in-depth article results will be classified Algorithmically.

Google will release this amazing feature within few days, so you might be able to see these in-depth articles in search results page over the next few days. And one more thing – for now, the In-depth feature will be only available on in English.

If you want to see more Google tips then click here. feel free to share your valuable comment with us.

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